Studio b - Image Consulting
for Girls

Workshops focusing on young girls from Middle school to College.

Walking into Your Confidence

"Boost self-confidence & unlock your potential. Get an experienced coach & tailor-made program that will transform your life.. “ Students will learn how an amazing walk can transform their life. There are eight sessions and each are full of lessons and activities to build confidence. And at each session participants will learn, practice and master the walk of a model. Because you don’t have to want to be a model to walk like one. #walkwithconfidence

Walking into Your Confidence - A Christian Girl's Guide

WYC - A Christian Girl's Guide is a transformative 21-day workshop and is designed to empower young girls with essential life lessons. Throughout the program, we'll draw inspiration from relevant Bible verses, using them as our guiding principles. By doing so, we aim to help young girls develop a deep appreciation for the Bible as a valuable resource to navigate their teenage and young adult years with confidence.

Individual Sessions

One to one sessions personally designed with a girl's individual personal development goals in mind. From social media branding to a look into the world of modeling, these sessions are designed to build confidence and create a mindset of respect for self and others.


Teen and pre-teen workshops designed to support after-school and community youth programs., retreats, and more.

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Teen and pre-teen workshops designed to support after-school and community youth programs., retreats, and more.

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Individual Sessions

One to one sessions personally designed with a girl's individual personal development goals in mind. From social media branding to a look into the world of modeling, these sessions are designed to build confidence and create a mindset of respect for self and others.


Post College Readiness

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About Us image
Studio b consists of incubators of ideas and opportunities whose principles are:

  • Respect of self and others
  • Style, grace and dignity
  • FUN!

I have always dreamed of ways to help girls change their view of themselves as a whole. From self-respect to respecting others. It’s a tall order but I want to ERASE GIRL ON GIRL BULLYING from the classroom to the boardroom. Self-hate and hating on each other is a major cause to why we as women are so vulnerable to those situations that marginalize us.
How is Studio b different than the 100's of other organizations out there designed to empower young women? At Studio b we are NOT a modeling school and we are more than a place to learn social graces and etiquette. At Studio b image consulting for young girls, we take the approach that we first must see ourselves the way we want others to see and treat us. Through the lenses of fashion modeling, health, & fitness and well- being we approach building a positive image through a positive belief in oneself. This begins with self-respect and respect for others. Recognizing that dignity, beauty, and amazing confidence should start early so that it becomes a way of life. It becomes who and what young girls want to be a part of, it becomes a movement for ALL GIRLS.

Studio Sessions

Studio Sessions

Studio Sessions are short sound bites that complement our seminars or workshops. From tips on managing the middle school & high school years, to advice on making a great first impression.

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Experience the perfect synchronization in your walking routine with our NEW - SYNCHRONIZED WALKING classes. - 90 Minute fitness walking exercises - Incorporating runway style walking into helping you build your confidence - Learn the basics of perfect posture that lead to prefect presentation POP UP WORKSHOPS COMING TO DC MD & VA THIS SUMMER

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